This archive contains ~1,700 Win icons that were converted to .gif files using GraphicConverter 2.2 (US). The icon of each .gif file is the .gif image itself. I orig. converted these icons for my personal use; then I decided that the rest of the Mac community could use them also. You can use the .gif file in html documents or use the icon itself and replace the icons of other files/folders icons' with the one of your choice.
For those who do not know how to easily replace an icon from the Finder; here's some brief instructions:
• Highlight the .gif which contains the icon you want.
• Do a Get Info or -I.
• Click the icon you selected from the top left of the info window.
• Copy that image to the clipboard (aka -C).
• Highlight the file/folder you want the icon image to go to.
• Do a Get Info or -I again.
• Click the icon at the top left of the new info window, and this time